I made up this game where they
connect words with colors and they
explain. Then I give them hundreds
of color chips and we challenge them
to put these colors together to create
what I call 'color chords'—harmonious
color chords. I show them examples of
what works and what doesn't work."
Publicolor's stated mission is to "teach
at-risk students how to think critically
about their future and prepare for college
and career," using the powerful tool of a
"multi-day, multi-year continuum of de-
sign-based programs." The latter begin
with Publicolor's gateway program, Paint
Club, an innovative after-school program
for under-performing inner-city schools
in which participants transform their own
institutional-looking schools and nearby
community facilities by painting them with
vibrant colors they have selected togeth-
er: "As students transform their schools,
they begin to transform themselves."
The next level of Publicolor's pro-
grams is COLOR Club, which stands
for Community of Leaders Organiz-
ing Revitalization, an apprenticeship
for 75 motivated students which pro-
vides a weekly menu of academic tu-
toring, career exposure and life skills
workshops, with Saturday painting proj-
ects for which students earn stipends.
begin to