n Argentina, as elsewhere,
there is vast disparity between
rich and poor. The Argentine
Social Debt Observatory of the
Universidad Catolica Argentina
(UCA) estimates that twenty per
cent of children in urban areas of
Argentina are afflicted by hunger
and lack of clothing. The same
investigation states that about
33 per cent of children and
adolescents live in homes below the
poverty line. A 2008 investigation
made by the Academic Center
for the Fight Against Hunger at
the University of Buenos Aires
determined that in Argentina,
eight children under the age of five
die every day from malnutrition.
Two non-profit relief organizations
do significant work to alleviate
this suffering: the Red Banco de
Alimentos and the Fundacion
Banco de Alimentos. The latter,
concentrated in Buenos Aires and
its suburbs, distributes 500,000
tons of food annually via soup
"twenty per cent of
children in urban
areas of Argentina
are afflicted by
hunger and lack
of clothing."