development protects all from excess
development���s ills: water, light and sound
pollution among others. Such protection
serves a great public good.
The world���s population is growing, and
although there is renewed interest in
high-density housing and living, a great
portion of the world is lives in what might
otherwise be described as a bleak,
bland and boring suburbia. The NSLA���s
attitudes toward the maintenance of open
space, as both a fact and a feeling within
a human context, should be replicated
by planners attempting to confront both
those who would seek to eradicate all
open space via urban sprawl as much as
those who hail Nature as only good when
void of human presence: a Wilderness
impossible and undesirable. H
The North Shore
Land Alliance
151 Post Road
Old Westbury, New York 11568
T: +1 (516) 626-0908
F: +1 (516) 484-4419