The dining room is pure France,
pure Gentet, more Paris than
Palm Beach: its boiserie painted
old ivory and white, the bone-
white table and chairs Louis XVI.
It possesses a restrained pal-
ette of palest yellows, blues and
whites and patterns of oversized
paisleys, revealing again Gentet's
genius for coaxing forth new har-
monies from time-honored forms
and color schemes. Gentet en-
livens otherwise stately furniture
with colors and patterns that are
assertive without being too bold
for its time-honored contours. He
is a master of two traditions sepa-
rated by the Atlantic, here brought
together in one of America's most
sumptuous environs. H Lisa Zeiger
Guillaume Gentet
139 Fulton St, New York
NY 10038
+1 (212) 571-1040
Mark Roskams
+1 (646) 271-5377