Each time a very much aerodynamic Range
Rover for the 21
century cruises modern highways, in
great comfort, transporting its occupants from office to
threshold and thence to golf, sailing, skiing, fishing, the
opera or to a country western concert, it carries with it
a history of excellence, not because of the impressive
array of celebrities who own them, but because of
how it performs and what it does. Trans-Sahara? No
problem. Cairo to Cape Town? Been there, done it.
The Khyber Pass? Add the armor. New York to L.A.?
Let's wade through an extra ten off-road streams on
the way back.
Inside, it isn't Granddad's Range Rover any more.
Sleek, designed to the hilt, it rages. Outside, hands
down, it sets the style. The thing's got power. Strip the
Range Rover classic, protoype