and part of their mystery and shock value lies, not in
their sexual imagery, radical for the time, but in their
conflation of the industrial, the artisanal and the artistic.
Marcel Duchamp's A bruit secret (A Secret Noise) of 1916 is
the earliest object in this groundbreaking group exhibition,
the first ever in America to explore exclusively the recondite
world of these objects, a strain of art launched by Duchamp
but one which continued even into the 1960s, as in Joan
Miro's Man and Woman in the Night, a painted bronze of
1969. Arguably, Surrealism and Dada are alive to this day,
Above: Seligmann, Two heads
Right: Man Ray, Les Grandes
Vacances (The Long Holidays),
1936-47, bottlerack, readymade
with three articulated wooden
lay figures, 98 by 51 cm, Private
Collection, © 2013 Man Ray
Trust / Artists Rights Society
(ARS), NY / ADAGP, Paris