Free HYLAND Magazine Issues

Edition 10: Holiday House

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mind delighted. The abstract beauty of the thing was there for the taking; it only took the deep attentiveness of the photographer and the unflinching precision of the lens to bring it into focus. H Durston Saylor Photography 101 West 23rd Street Suite 2259 New York, New York 10011 USA +1 (917) 856 2780 Emily Braun Distinguished Professor, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY teachers 19th and 20th century European and and American art and is a specialist on Italian modernism and Fascist culture. She has written extensively for museums in North America and Europe and most recently contributed the catalogue essay, ���Saturday Evenings at the Steins��� for the exhibition The Steins Collect at SFMoMA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She is currently curating a retrospective of the work of Alberto Burri for the Guggenheim Museum, New York. HYLAND

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